Friday, October 15, 2010

On living every moment.....

One moment is all it takes
To change our lives for better or worse
One moment is the difference
Between a smile and a tear.

In a moment, the child comes out of the womb,
In one moment a woman becomes a mother.
In a moment there are ties that bind
And two people become husband and wife.
In a moment those ties are broken,
And people go separate ways..

Is one moment all it takes to change your life ?
One moment ago, I was crying for something I lost.
A moment later, I find another reason to smile.
One moment ago, I was living a fairy tale.
And the next, I crash into a reality as hard as I could.
One moment I had no faith in life,
And the next, I am filled with tremendous hope ahead.

Life changing moments define who we become.
These moments sometimes rudely wake us up..
And sometimes they bring sunshine in our lives.
“Make the most of every moment” they say,
I never really understood what they meant till now..

Today I know what one moment is..
I know that the moment will surely pass by.
But until it does, I shall savour it.
I shall truly live the moment , and make the most of it.
For I know not what the next moment may bring.

When my life is sad, I wont despair,
I will know that this moment shall pass.
And when I’m happy I won’t look down on others,
For I know that this may not last.