Monday, October 8, 2012

Tiny Teachers

I first wrote this piece when Advay was two years old. Somehow, i wasnt able to find the right words to finish it, and was never happy with the ending. And yesterday, it all came together. I realised that Arjun made the ending happy and complete..

Read on..

A whirlwind romance, followed by a quick engagement and marriage and we began our lives together. Life continued in the fast lane, and soon after, I was pregnant. We were thrilled beyond belief.

Were we ready for a child? How would we manage? We never thought about those things.

As we waited for his arrival, we thought of the numerous things we would teach him. 

Our life turned around 360 degrees after Advay was born.  We got home on time, saved up money to buy a new house and spent more time with each other.  Our business designations took a backseat, as we tried to live up to our new designations.

We learnt to treasure little moments; his first smile,  signs that his fever was going away, and his first words.

We learnt that we could do far more than we were capable of. He brought out the best in us.

We learnt that there was life beyond work, and found out who we really were.

We learnt what life was all about, when our tiny teacher showed up.

After 6 fun years of learning, another tiny teacher, Arjun arrived. Our lessons with him started right after his birth. A minor complication sent him to the ICU directly.

We tapped into inner reservoirs of strength, when he slept alone on his first night in this world.

We learnt patience and trust as we waited eagerly for him to be with us.

As he grows a little every day, he is teaching us a lot more.

He is teaching us to smile, for no reason in the whole world.

As we see him try again to roll over, we are learning never to give up.

As he cries loudly, and suddenly starts to smile after seeing his favourite toy, we are learning that we too can smile more often.

As both our tiny teachers play with each other, we are learning that our true joy comes from giving, nurturing and building a life.

So, to our tiny teachers, and our beloved sons; You wont be tiny for long, but you will always be our teachers, and the lessons learnt will stay deep in our hearts forever.