Friday, November 28, 2014

Smile at the Universe!!

Ever since I moved to Kuala umpur, I have been walking a lot to drop my kids to and fro from school. On my daily walks,I see many familiar faces, regular joggers, dogs and of course, school-going kids.

As I walk , it is my habit to smile at people. Even if they are strangers, whether it’s a policeman, a maid on her way to work, I always smile.

A lot of people, smile back. There are some, who wish me “Good Morning” enthusiastically even before I can smile at them.

And then there are some people. They are so pre-occupied with where they are going. They seem to be looking straight ahead at nothing in particular. And when they approach you, they look even further away, as though they are studiously avoiding a smile. I know, they can see me from the periphery of their eye. I know , that they know I’m looking at them, about to smile or wish them.

And yet they move on, walking furiously towards their chores,  their destination. As I observe their faces, and expresson, some are lost in deep thought, some are melancholy, and some are just closed. They don’t want to let anyone in, least of all a smile from a stranger.

I want to smile at them. I want to tell them, Smile at the universe, it is waiting to smile right back at you!

You might say, to each his own. And what right do I have to expect a smile in return.

But , here’s the thing. How often do we go through life like that? Me included. We are furiously focussed on our goal. Walking ahead, so lost in our thought of the destination, that we don’t want to let anything get in our way. The smile from a stranger, A hug from a child, a phone call from a friend who you don’t have the time for.

And maybe we do miss so many things. Some opportunities, Some connections, the ability to take life slow, the leisure of stopping to smell the roses… I can go on and on…..

How many times do we shut out things, people, and so many other moments? Because they are distractions, or we just don’t have the time!!

Smiling at the Universe opens you up to all the good that life has to give you. The mere act of smiling at a stranger, saying yes to a detour, ushers in all the positivity that we deserve to receive. We can focus on our destination, and yet enjoy the path that takes us there.

Here’s something I wrote .and I hope that it may serve as an inspiration to you…

It’s a tough road everyday..
No time to watch the sun’s shining ray..
I know how much it means to you to reach your goal..
As in your life, you play many a complex role..
But STOP, and SMILE…it won’t cost a thing..
The universe wants you to appreciate everything..
You may be in a hurry, you may be running late..
But smile to watch the sweet girl running out the gate..
I know you are busy, and there is lots to do..
But there’s a cute dog on the street waiting to say hi to you…
It’s easy for me to say, I know I don’t walk your path..
But there’s a stranger who is waiting for your smile to light their heart…
Smile for yourself, It’s a selfish thing too
Because, as you smile at the universe, it will smile right back at you…
I need to reach my destination, I know that’s what you say…
And I have a mounting load of chores, and so many bills to pay..
A smile won’t slow you down,  it wont make you come last,,
Because fast is slow, and slow is fast
Just  remember, the journey is the reward!
Smile at yourself, and to no one in particular..
Just yell to a stanger, “Have a nice day! See you later!
Watch the bounce in your step grow
It’s sometimes nice to be slow..
And when you reach your destination, Smile!
Lend a hand to someone who has walked an extra mile..
Watch the magic unfold in your daily life..
All you have to do is just SMILE….