Thursday, September 24, 2015

3 countries, A Big change, and Finding peace…

This year, we moved twice. In two different countries.  In a span of six months. Yes you read that right.  I can safely say, this has been the most stressful period of our lives.

This move came on the back of a few health scares too, and we were all recovering when we realised we may have to move.

My first reaction when my husband Amrit told me about this opportunity in the US was NO WAY!
We had just moved to Singapore from Malaysia, and our bags weren’t even fully unpacked.  Every cell in my body and mind was screaming NO! NO!  NO!

A million thoughts were racing through our minds. Were we unsettling the children too much? Were we being too reckless? The US seemed so far away and alien. Singapore was still closer to home ground.

The children were barely settled in their schools in Singapore, and it was time to uproot them again.

I hadn't been in Singapore long enough to give myself stability, and just didn’t feel like moving again.

But of course we decided to move. And we are here now! Looking back, I can view this period with amazement, and awe. Not because we actually pulled it off. Anyone can.

But because, we found out that there are many things we are capable of. And we don’t realise them until we are put from the frying pan into the fire.

My way of centering myself through this maze was to simply take things one day at a time.  Each day that I was in Singapore, I told myself. This is home. This is where I am today, and I am safe, and happy. And that’s all that matters.

This rubbed off on the kids too, and although they knew about the move, they did not let it affect their daily lives.

A lot of well-meaning people asked us questions.  Why did you move from Malaysia to Singapore if you had to move to the US? We learnt to not let that affect us. I would be lying if it didn’t.

The lens of gratitude helped us here. I became so grateful for a chance to live, and see Singapore because it truly is an amazing country. We loved our home there, and were so grateful for this short stay. That helped us not to keep going back and re-visiting the decisions of the past!

From hotel rooms to service apartments, and packing to unpacking and then packing again! It has been an adventure to say the least. But one thing remained constant. The fact that home was where the four of us were together. We were in this together, on the road, at our worst sometimes, or even at our best!

We are here now, and far from settled. But we are getting there, one day at a time. And I often get asked, “How do you look so much at peace? In the chaos of moving? “

Yes, there is chaos, and yet there is peace.

Chaos comes from movement, peace comes from acceptance.

Yes, there is stress, and yet there is gratitude

Stress due to new environment, and gratitude for all our experiences...

Yes, there is change, and yet there is a new beginning

A BIG change for all of us, but also a chance for a new beginning...

Yes, there is exhaustion, and yet there is exhilaration...

Exhaustion both physical and mental, yet exhilaration for the beauty that we get to see...

And finally,

Yes there is movement, and therefore there is growth...

We may have simply moved continents, but we have conquered many mountains in our mind!