Thank you 2011…
• For showing me that dreams can come true... It may take a year or two or three, but you just need to persevere, hold on to them, and have faith.
• For showing me that once dreams come true, it’s not the end, but the beginning of another dream.
• For teaching me the power of staying in the present moment.
• For helping me realize that gratitude is the best prayer that can be said.
• For all the opportunities I got to get to know my family all over again.
• For the innumerable new friends I made, who continue to be part of my journey.
• For my old friends (thank God for them) who stayed my friends and make me who I am.
• For all the people who encouraged my new vocation, and continue to have so much faith in me.
• For showing me that, I don’t need to do anything or prove anything to anyone to be loved. I am loved just as I am.
• For helping me realize that I do have the courage to follow my passion.
• For the countless special moments shared with my two favourite boys!
As I go into 2012, do I have any hopes or dreams? Yes of course! But, funnily all that matters is today! This moment, that I am spending writing my first blog post of the year. This day, that I started with gratitude, greeting my loved ones, going for a walk, having my favourite breakfast, and writing my heart out. This day is all that matters.
And then, I realize, that’s what 2012 is going to be all about.
It’s about all the small, wonderful moments strung together one at a time.
Thank you 2012, you are already special to me today!