Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Today is one of those days....

Today is one of those days.
One of those days, where I question;
What am I doing with my life?
Is this the best I can do?
Is there more, I am missing.
Is this all I have to offer to the world?

Today is one of those days.
When my soul stirs with yet to be fulfilled dreams
My heart is heavy with the weight of my worries.
I’m tugged in far too many directions.
Leading to exhaustion and even inaction.

Today is one of those days.
I long to soak in the sunshine
My heart aches for the vibrance of a rainbow.
Or maybe for the pot of gold.
Am I asking for too much?

Today is one of those days
When I tell myself, I’ve waited for far too long.
Even when times were tough, I’ve sung along.
When is it going to be my turn to soar?
When am I going to walk out that open door?

Today is one of those days.
When I tell myself, I have walked far and deep
Reached into my soul, and have come out clean
I’m ready to fly; I can feel it in my bones.
But how? Where? the questions drone.

Today is one of those days
When I accept I’ve done the best I could do
And then I chin up and do some more.
My path may be foggy, it may be wrong.
But my journey will continue, it may take long.

Today is one of those days
When I accept I don’t know what to do..
And where to go?
And with that comes some peace & solace
As I embrace the gift of ambiguity with grace..

Today is one of those days….

Today is one of those days….


  1. Today is one of those will fly!

  2. May u soar and shine like a diamond which comes out of the mine and then the brilliance exude where the diamond itself didn't know before too what it could do

    1. Thank you shai:_ it takes one diamond to know another :-)
